Eltham and Avery Hill Gardens Society
Eltham and Avery Hill Gardens Society

The Shop

The shop is open every Sunday up to and including the 24th November. Seed potato orders can be placed in November.



New products for 2024

We are stocking 2 new products in the shop both of which are peat free. Limited stock initially to trial.

This is a plant-based pellet fertilizer which is peat free, child, pet and vegan friendly.
65p per pound

This is a peat free soil improver for mulching around plants or digging into the soil to improve soil structure and support healthy root and plant development. Will improve both heavy clay soils and light sandy soils.
£5.00 for a 50ltr bag.

More information on both products will be available in the shop.


Maxicrop Seaweed extract instructions for use
Microsoft Word document [14.3 KB]

About the shop

The Shop is based in the large brick building just inside the main gate to Pippenhall Allotments on the Bexley Road between Eltham and Avery Hill. It is open every Sunday morning from 10am to 12pm from February to mid November. 


The shop is run by Pat and David Middleton (Plot 44A) and a group of volunteers to whom the society are most grateful for giving up their time to provide this valuable service to members and plotholders at Pippenhall. Solar powered lighting and gas heating has now been installed inside the shop which has made it a more welcoming environment than before.


If you should need something from the shop at times other than Sunday morning and Graham is working on his plot or David and Pat on theirs(45B and 44A respectively- there's a map on the notice board to help you find them) they will be happy to open up the shop for you.


We are also able to provide a free delivery service to local residents for heavy or bulky items which may help those who do not have access to a car. To arrange this please contact Pat and David.


We sell a wide range of garden products including seeds, seed potatoes, slug pellets, twine, canes, compost (multi purpose, John Innes. organic), potting grits and sharp sand.


There is also a very wide range of loose fertiliser by the pound (such as bonemeal, growmore, fish blood and bone, superphosphate, potato, flower and veg, sulphate of potash, sulphate of iron,  lawn, rose, superphosphate, Epsom Salts), plus compost activator. Prices are around half what you have to pay in B&Q plus you can buy as much or as little as you want.


We try hard to make sure our prices are always competitive and we are usually cheaper than the DIY stores or local garden centres.


Please try to use the shop whenever you can, save money and help support the society as it is our single largest source of income.


Currently we can only accept cash to pay for goods. Cash is not kept on site when the shop is closed.

Other stock available



Slug pellets , Miracle Gro general purpose fertiliser in two sizes, and two types of jute garden twine- natural and green.


If you are fed up with pigeons or ring neck parakeets eating your brassicas or fruit why not try our strong black plastic netting? The mesh size is 10mm square and it is 2 metres wide and costs £1.20 per metre and it can be cut to any length you need.


Also available are chicken manure pellets in large buckets at only £6.50- this is an ideal organic general purpose fertiliser as an alternative to growmore or fish, blood and bone. We also sell the pellets by the pound if you don't want a whole bucket.


Peat, sharp sand and potting grit have also been added to the range of multipurpose and John Innes composts.


We stock Bordeaux mixture- this is one of the most effective ways for keeping your potato and tomato crop free from blight. It is permitted in most organic systems and is widely used in the grape growing industry. It can also be used to treat shothole and bacterial canker on plum and cherry trees.


A wider range of top quality bamboo canes now in stock, including 3ft, 4ft, 5ft , 6ft and finally 8 foot now available. They 8ft canes are ideal for all types of climbing bean, sweet peas etc.



Allotment shop 2024 season

The allotment shop at Pippenhall is now closed for the winter

Growing Potatoes in bags

One of our members has experimented with growing potatoes in bags over the last two years. Read about his experience and advice to other container growers here

Pippenhall Allotment blog

One of the tenants at Pippenhall has recently started a Pippenhall allotment blog. Have a look for yourself and register if you would like to contribute to this community. Click here to visit the blog

Eltham and Avery Hill Gardens Society

Pippenhall Allotments
Bexley Road

London SE9 2PE

(please do not use this address for correspondence)



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