Eltham and Avery Hill Gardens Society
Eltham and Avery Hill Gardens Society

Welcome to the Eltham and Avery Hill Gardens Society website


We were founded 72 years ago by local residents, including our late Chairman and President, Charles Strangwige, to promote gardening and allotment activity in the Avery Hill and Eltham Park areas and we are still going strong today. Many of our members are tenants at Pippenhall allotments on the Bexley Road and other local allotment sites.


We organise various events throughout the year and run a shop at Pippenhall allotments selling a range of popular garden products. The shop is open every Sunday morning from February until the end of November between 10am and midday- see the shop section for more details or better still come along on a Sunday morning to see for yourself. 


If you would like to know more about us, or would like to join please get in touch using the contact form 


We look forward to meeting you soon.


Annual General Meeting Monday 24th March 2025

The AGM of the society will take place at 7pm on Monday 24th March at the Holy Trinity Church Hall in Southend Crescent SE9 2SD. Following the conclusion of the business agenda there will be. a talk from John Webb on 'The Avery Hill Winter Gardens' (which are situated a short distance from the Pippenhall allotments). All are welcome to attend and refreshments will be served.

Important- Pippenhall Allotments Water Supply is now turned off for the winter

The mains water supply is now turned off for the winter months to avoid the risk of burst pipes during cold weather. This means that the toilets can no longer be used and the doors have been locked.


A notice will be posted here when the water supply is turned back on in the early spring of 2025.

Pippenhall Shop open every Sunday morning and seed potato orders available to collect from February 16th

The allotment shop is open every Sunday between 10am and midday until late November


Pre ordered seed potatoes can be collected from the shop from Sunday February 16th. There will also be a small amount of some varieties available to purchase on a first come first serve basis at £1.30 a pound.


The 2025 shop price list can be found here

Annual Show Saturday August 30th 2025

The annual show will take place on August 30th 2025- further details to follow. Photos of the 2024 annual show are available to view here and the show report here

Pippenhall Allotments Bonfire Update- Nov 2023

Please see the Council noticeboard at Pippenhall Allotments where there is up to date information from the Royal Borough of Greenwich regarding bonfires. There is additional information in the shop from the National Allotment Society regarding bonfires which has been issued by the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Reminder about car use on site at Pippenhall

Please do NOT drive down the centre path at Pippenhall if it’s raining or there has been heavy rain, or use the bottom of the site to turn your car around. The path and the ground at the bottom of the site gets extremely wet and often floods as the water does not drain away quickly.



Just a reminder that the wheelbarrows are NOT to be taken and used off site. They are for use ON SITE ONLY by those plot holders that have purchased a key to the locker storage shed, please do not keep them on your plot overnight and always return them to the storage room after use.



Pat Middleton
Site Rep - Pippenhall Allotments


Please see attached this advice from the Royal Borough of Greenwich about bonfires- click on the image to see the full size version

Pippenhall Allotments availability- 

There are no vacant plots as of April 2024 and with more than 50 people on the waiting list the council have closed the list for new applicants for the time being. The council will contact those at the top of the waiting list directly about a vacant plot when one becomes available. This is most likely to happen in  April or May each year after the new rental year starts and tenants decide to give up their plot.


Please note that all enquiries about allotment availability or joining the waiting list for an allotment should be made with the Royal Borough of Greenwich via their website. We are unable to help with enquiries about allotment availability. Please see the allotments webpage for more information.

Site last updated on February 11th 2025 with an update on seed potato orders and details of the 2025 AGM

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